Family Therapy

316367753Our family is with us wherever we go

Whether your family members are with you in your life or live far away and whether or not the relationships are close or estranged – the impact family has on all individuals is profound.

Your family’s influence is engrained in your sense of self, identity and values; and in how you show love, navigate conflict and approach life’s many challenges.

Families face challenges

Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on improving communication and relationships within a family system.

This form of therapy uses a collaborative approach that involves working with all members of the family to identify and address issues that may be causing distress or conflict.

Over time, the families learn how to be more empathic and patient with one another, recognizing the strength of working together in a balanced manner.

The goal is to bring the family together

Each family has specific challenges that can impact relationships and impede healthy communication.  Therefore, the goal of family therapy depends on each family’s needs, strengths and motivation to change.

Communication may be an issue, making resolving conflicts feel impossible.  In therapy, each member can express their feelings without judgment, allowing for an open and honest discussion.  Such discussions make conflict resolution easier.

Enhancing understanding and empathy among family members is essential for any healthy family.  Family therapy can help family members become more aware of each other’s feelings.

Families often need to strengthen their relationships and bonds.  Creating such bonds may require the promotion of healthy boundaries and individual growth, developing coping skills and learning new problem-solving strategies.

Family therapy offers a host of benefits

Family members can learn ways to overcome communication difficulties, allowing them to find a resolution void of conflict.

For couples and families undergoing separation and divorce, family therapy can help find a more amenable way to enhance and help overcome potential conflicts and make the transition for children easier.  Blended families or stepfamilies can learn how to navigate complex relationships.

Family therapy can help families cope with significant life transitions, such as a death or illness; or offer support for families with children or teens struggling with behavioral or emotional issues.

1426338689How does family therapy work?

Families face many problems, including communication issues, internal or external conflicts, parenting issues, trauma and loss, substance abuse, mental health concerns and family rupture.

As a family therapist, I work with families to bring together all family members in a safe and supportive environment to explore and address their concerns.

I help families identify patterns of behavior and communication that may contribute to the problem and guide them in developing new ways of interacting with each other.

Let’s work together and identify what’s keeping your family in turmoil.  Don’t allow unresolved problems to keep you apart.